Scroll down to discover some interesting book reviews if you are in need for a recommendation. If you have glanced a title somewhere and you became interested, yet not quite determined to read, we would be very pleased to be the ones to prompt you to read it. Our reviews are written by our avid readers who passionately read the book and then reviewed it with a critical eye. You may also find a variety of books genres because we are not limited to just one, but we are open to many types of books, and though they are not many at the moment, we shall diversify and do them plentifully in the future.
Latest Reviews :
The Witch’s Curse by Megan Linski Mini Novella Review by Ines
What can I say?
Megan Linski, please write a freaking The Witch’s Curse series. 5 chapters are not enough for me... Continue Reading

The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead Book Review by Ines
This is my very first Richelle Mead book and I gave it the easiest five stars that I could ever give on GoodReads... Continue Reading

Confess by Colleen Hoover Book Review [Spoiler Free] by Ines
I broke my last reading record when I clicked on one of Colleen Hoover’s books a few days ago...Continue Reading

After you (Me Before you #2) By Jojo Moyes Book Review by Ines
After you “The long awaited sequel to Me Before you”, says the version of the cover I have...Continue Reading

Me Before you by Jojo Moyes Book Review by Ines
Me before you is the first book in a duology written by the best selling British Author Jojo Moyes. This novel was first published in 2012. Continue Reading

''My Favourite Books ''2" by ImeneTl
We all have a book selection that we are proud of, one that we have constructed with pleasure and taste... Continue Reading

''My Favourite Books'' by ImeneTl
There are three notable books are looming in the shopwindow of every bookstore these days. You may have glanced them accidentally in some library before... Continue Reading
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