In this section, we provide posts from aspiring writers who express their ideas, views, and emotions through writing. However, it differs in the sense it does not belong to story writing, but instead it is purely non-fiction yet very artistic and creative. Helpful articles are also included to help you embrace reading and writing more. They cover the techniques, advice, and the roadmap toward achieving your aim in knowledge acquisition. It does not matter if you are new to reading or writing, or otherwise very experienced, for you will always learn new ways and envision new prospects for your intellectual betterment. While these posts may be about book-reading, philosophy, and art, we will be very thrilled to touch upon different topics very soon.

How Can I Read More Books ? by Ines
''How can I read more books?'' Is a question that book lovers keep constantly asking themselves. Especially if one has a record of unfinished book challenge... Continue Reading

''Books Vs Ebooks'' by Allen
Think about the last time you had a pleasurable reading. Was it in a book or an ebook ?
Not sure ?... Continue Reading

My Art(ist) By MaryemD
"And poets, in my view, and in the view of most people I think, do speak God's language" -Stephen King. Once upon a time...Continue Reading

If you do observe the real world, and
compare it to the ideal image we want it to be, you would notice the
huge difference between the...
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