About Us & Privacy Policy
About Us :
We are a motivational group of bookworms endeavouring to spread the love for reading books. We publish occasional posts about famous, interesting, or bestselling books around the world. They are in the English currently, but we may turn our hands to books in Arabic and French as well. For this reason, we shall post helpful and motivating posts about books, writing, and reading. It is our belief that diffusing knowledge can be achieved through advice about how to gain it, highlighting intriguing books, and motivating indolent or amateur readers.
Book reviews are also one of our main topics. It is a crucial tool to usher the readers and give them an overall glance about the books they are yet to read. Additionally, we welcome writers from all over Algeria to write short stories, poems, articles, or even novels. Our aim is to make books an essential element in our lives. Firstly, as a source of obtaining knowledge, and very often, as a world of entertainment where we escape from the bitter reality. If you want to become a better reader, or if you want to become a better writer and reach a wider audience, then this is the place for you to be.
Privacy Policy :
- Our community is a very large and warm one, and therefore, any misdemeanour, be it spam or disturbing attitude, from anyone can result into immediate block. Be kind and academic for the best communication and beneficial interaction.
- The information collected and its use is kept in a safe way, whether it was writing, which would be public but with reserved right of copyright; or personal information, which would be kept confidential. Also, reproduction in whole or in part of our publications without express written consent is strictly prohibited.
- Having also said that we welcome writers, we emphasize that writers should contact us first to discuss the writing, for we may reject some works if they happen to be in disaccordance with our community's standards.
- We are interested in reviewing books if you are a self-published writer or a published author. Any genre is welcomed except erotica or books with sexual content. However, we prefer to discuss the book review further through email to ascertain our preferences, and likewise, respect your conditions.
- We may edit or update our privacy policy or information at any time.
Email us if you have any inquiries through Our Email.
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