Should readers believe in what authors write?

I few days ago I have seen a post about a certain Algerian author who said something like: she does not always believe in what her characters say or do (I do not remember the exact words, but you get my point, Right?). Anyways, like many Facebookers I expressed my opinion in a comment. I said that when an author writes about a character, they do not need to agree with what that character says or does.They just write what goes well with that specific character's life and with what is going in the story... What I say is confusing I guess, so let me say it in another way. There are some really nice actors who give a lot of charity and spread awareness about many things, but they play the bad guy/girl in a movie. Does that mean they like what that character does, or believe in his/her actions and words? I am sure your answer is NO. It is the same thing with authors. Whether they believe in what they write or not is their problem, now whether WE believe in what they write is up to us. My opinion about the matter is not a big deal. I do not really think that it deserves a whole blog post, but I wrote it because of a passage that I read the other day. Beautiful words that say it all.
Here is what one of the most famous authors of the 20th century says about the mater.I think her words are just perfect, and readers should always remind themselves of what she said in her book A Room of One's Own which contains a collection of essays about women and fiction.

If you do not know Verginia Wolf, then here's an amazing video about her. Check it out.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog post.
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Take care and read books.
Ines x

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