Why Should You Read Books ? by Allen
How many times did you glance a book laying ignored in some corner of your house?
Multiple times ?? The poor thing! It must be so dusty and lonely! But, I think I know why you have been finding hard it to get along with it. It's simply that you still don't realize what the company of a book can give you. But, one thing I'm sure of is you are missing out a great deal! You must have seen, though, that some people have adopted a daily habit of reading books. That's because such people know a good amount of the numerous benefits which they obtain from books. That being the case, we have listed for you only five benefits, and they are huge !
1- Mental Acuity :
Books are one of the salient tools to keep our minds sharp and healthy. The brain, being a muscle, is therefore required to train regularly in order to stay active and stimulated. Some of the aspects you will boost are your memory and critical thinking. You will notice that whatever comes your way, whether it's a mentally challenging task or a thought-provoking one, you will easily penetrate through it if you are an avid reader of different books. This returns to the fact that being engaged in a book while keeping track of multiple events, or absorbing new information, will hone you the skill of rapid grasping and shrewdness. It has also been hypothesized that keeping one's mind active will chase away any possible mental diseases such as Alzheimers.
2- Knowledge Acquisition :
There is no greater feeling than learning something new everyday. And the best way to do it is through reading books. Imagine the amount of knowledge you will get from each one you read. Better yet, you will find them very handy when dealing with your daily life or work. Besides the fact that you will grow an intellectual profile too, you will also enrich your personality with different fascinating intelligences, for instance, imaginative, linguistic, emotional, and logical ones... Moreover, you will gain confidence when interacting with people because you will always have something interesting to say.
3- Peaceful Mind :
When you isolate yourself to read a book, you are actually dedicating a time to release the stress and the anxiety that the world forced you to experience. The same way some people meditate, similarly you will allow your mind clear up the confusion and silence the noise. For instance, reading a great story fills you up with positive feelings and tranquility because it transfers you to another world where you will let your imagination run wild. It's where you will let your internal desires be poured and expressed. More importantly, reading allows your mind to detach from the world temporarily to release the junk of negative feelings and come back with a refreshed mind.
4- Increasing Vocabulary:
Words are powerful tools, and surely, their scarcity in your mental repertoire will keep your mind reduced and limited. In the famous book of 1984 by George Orwell, the author narrates a dystopian story where the world becomes manipulated by the government. Interestingly, their manipulation was essentially on the language level. The author mentions several times how language can affect thoughts, and therefore the ability to think. The government imposed an official language called "Newspeak" in which they reduced language to the minimum possible of words. For example, instead of good, superb, excellent and so on, there were only "good and plus-good". Thus, they successfully forced people's minds to be reduced to only very few meanings in order to be incapable to think for themselves. Having a wealth of vocabulary will enable you to express yourself accurately and fluently. And it can aid you in your professional career or social encounters.
5- Entertainment :
It's so amazing how we can be entertained so cheaply by books. However we wish to entertain ourselves, we will always find the book types that suit our preferences. Ranging from literature, poetry, philosophical, religious, self-help, and comical books, you can always find the perfect book to have some fun. You will laugh to tears, cry happily, wander about the house thoughtfully, and dance at the end if it's a happy ending. The best part is books are everywhere ! If you don't have a local library or if you are low in financial income, you will find the free PDF or ePub version that are as enjoyable as paperback books. Just dedicate a 20 minutes of fun book reading everyday, and you will be stunned with the impressive changes that will rock your world. Go pick up that lonely dusty book go !
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